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Writer's pictureAustin James

Son of G-d



The term "son of G-d" or "children of G-d" can refer to Israel, angels, or righteous individuals. It is a symbolic title of a close, covenantal relationship with the Almighty, rather than implying literal biological Divine parentage. A son is often seen as someone who continues the spirit or legacy of their father. Likewise, a son of G-d would be someone who lives out the spirit or legacy of G-d on earth.


"And you shall say to Pharaoh, 'Thus says the L-rd, Israel is my firstborn son.'" (Exodus 4:22)


Here, the term "firstborn son" in Exodus signifies Israel's unique status and the special covenant between G-d and His people, marked by a commitment to follow His commands and be a "light unto the nations," carrying on the “light” of G-d through their way of living.


King Solomon is also referred to in a spiritual sense as a son of G-d in 2 Samuel 7:14, where G-d says, "I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son." This expresses G-d's special favor and the covenantal relationship with David's dynasty, highlighting the promise of guidance, protection, and a lasting kingdom, conditional upon their faithfulness to His commands.


In Psalms and Proverbs, the imagery of sonship is also employed to describe the wise or righteous person who lives in accordance with G-d's will. These texts use familial terms to emphasize the intimacy and affection of the relationship between G-d and those who follow His ways.


The title symbolizes a deep, loving, and committed relationship between the Creator and His creation, characterized by loyalty, obedience, and a shared mission to uphold and spread the values and ethics of the Father (G-d). This relationship is accessible to all who dedicate themselves to living according to G-d's will, striving for righteousness and ethical conduct.

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