Our Beliefs & Values
13 Fundamental Principles
Belief in the existence of the Creator, who is perfect in every manner of existence and is the Primary Cause of all that exists.
The belief in G‑d's absolute and unparalleled unity.
The belief in G‑d's non-corporeality, nor that He will be affected by any physical occurrences, such as movement, or rest, or dwelling (Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent).
The belief in G‑d's eternity.
The imperative to worship G‑d exclusively and no foreign false gods.
The belief that G‑d communicates with man through prophecy.
The belief in the primacy of the prophecy of Moses our teacher.
The belief in the divine origin & revelation of the Torah given at Mt Sinai as given to Moses and passed down through the generations as the primary authority and standard for all scripture.
The belief in the immutability of the Torah.
The belief in G‑d's omniscience and providence.
The belief in divine reward and retribution.
The belief in the arrival of the Messiah and the messianic era.
The belief in the resurrection of the dead.
Messianic Principles
Belief in that the Messiah is an agent of G-d, but not G-d Himself.
Belief that Messiah is a biological paternal son of David as promised.
The belief that Messiah was and will be in alignment with the Halachah of Rabbinic Judaism.
Belief that Jesus came to fulfill the role of Messiah, but only fulfilled the role of Messiah of Joseph. He called everyone to repent, and Israel (collectively) did not, resulting in the destruction of the 2nd temple due to baseless hatred.
Jesus' death and resurrection are the primary reasons the nations turned away from polytheism and circulated Torah in all languages around the globe (albeit without the full understanding yet - as his role is to pave the way for the Messiah of David, not complete it). This started a global process of teshuvah (repentance) and tikkun olam (repairing the world).
We believe Jesus lived as a living example of the Word (the Torah), as should be the goal of every Jew.
We believe the Torah is the divine revelation of G-d, His righteousness, and the description of the Holy (separate from the world) lifestyle for His people and the community of believers.
We believe in the validity of the oral traditions and rabbinic authorities - and they do not contradict the teachings of Yeshua as established Halacha.
We believe in the Biblical canon of the Tanakh as scripture and the writings of Jesus' apostles as a combination of historical documentation and instructional guidelines for the communities to which they were written.
We believe that all non-Jewish followers of Yeshua are “grafted” into Israel. While this does not make a person legally Jewish, they are equal participants of the covenant promises.
Additional Clarifications
We hold to a literal and physical Kingdom of G-d and the future Messianic Era, in which Jesus will usher in as The Messiah Son of David (Moshiach ben David) and rule from the throne of David in Jerusalem.
We believe in justification by faith through grace alone as a gift of G-d that cannot be earned by the merit of any single individual.
We believe the death of Yeshua is a propitiation for sins for the nations (in a similar manner found in Moed Katan 28a, Yoma 87a, Shemot Rabbah 44:5, & Midash Tanchuma Vayera 23) to enter into the covenants made with the Jewish people to those who believe and put their faith in Hashem.
We believe Jesus' resurrection is the first fruits (and foreshadowing) of the resurrection which is to come at the end of days.
We believe G-d’s Holy Name (the Tetragrammatan) should remain unpronounced, and that all titles of G-d should be treated with reverence.
We believe in the validity of using the relevant historical and cultural/political contexts are important for proper interpretation of the biblical texts.
We believe in the covenants G-d made with the Jewish people to be continuous eternal promises, and the Jewish people cannot be replaced.
Missionary / Anti-Missionary Principles
1. No one should promote conversion out of Judaism.
2. No one should insist that Gentiles must convert to Judaism.
3. Jews and Gentiles have separate roles and functions within G-d's plan, and each is to be respected as a valuable part. Each is to respect their own boundaries.
4. No one should turn away Jew or Gentile on the basis of belief or disbelief in a Messiah of past, present, or future in accordance with the Messianic Principles. Including but not limited to attendance, mikveh, & conversion.
5. One must not cause another to stumble in sin. There are some things permitted to Gentiles which are forbidden to Jews, and some things permitted to Jews and forbidden to Gentiles. Thus, you must forbid that which is forbidden and do not persuade against that which is commanded respectively.
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