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Messianic Union

Founded in 2023, the Orthodox Messianic Union (OMU) is the largest organization representing the Rabbinic & Orthodox Messianic community worldwide. Orthodox & Rabbinic Messianics are both Jews and Gentiles who acknowledge Yeshua (Jesus) as a man who fulfilled the criteria of Messiah of Joseph while still adhering fully to proper Orthodox Halachah (Jewish law) in its entirety. The AltarnateMedia branch of OMU provides courses, articles, books, and other media to help educate those wishing to learn more.

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Our Mission

The Orthodox Messianic Union (OMU) unites a rapidly growing network of Orthodox Rabbinic Messianic communities dedicated to living in full alignment with the principles of Orthodox Rabbinic Judaism. We are committed to upholding the halachic framework and Jewish doctrines of faith as preserved through the ages. Guided by our shared belief that the prophetic role of Mashiach ben Yosef was fulfilled by Yeshua (Jesus), we aim to deepen our connection to HaShem, foster learning, and support one another in the pursuit of a life sanctified by Torah and mitzvot. OMU serves as a hub for collaboration, mutual support, and the strengthening of Jewish continuity in alignment with the timeless teachings of our sages.

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