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Writer's pictureAustin James

Our purpose & fulfillment

Why were we created? The Creator is the definition of perfection, but He wanted to give His goodness to something. This becomes a difficulty because only G-d is the totality of perfection. How can something be given perfection and totality of good without being G-d? The only way to give goodness would be to create something that can cleave to G-d and become fulfilled by Him. In addition, the best way to thoroughly appreciate and enjoy something is by working towards it.

This leads us to the next element: why does evil exist? Evil must exist to give mankind a measurement of progress toward a goal. Mankind measures in terms of opposites. We only know how dark something is by lack of light, and we only know how bright something is by how much further from 'dark' it is. A light can be dim or bright, but only using terms of more/less dark. Evil is the polar opposite given to us to measure our level of good. The ultimate good is G-d, and the ultimate evil is being separated fully from G-d (or G-dless). Having a cognitive ability to discern between these two spiritual paths (good and evil) we can then seek fulfillment in finding "good" or seeking G-d.

Creation's fulfillment is by receiving from the Creator. The Creator is fulfilled by giving to Creature/Creation and having it enjoy it properly.

How does this work? Let’s use an example that can be related to the physical world: Your mom has decorated the whole house just for you, and every lampshade and curtain has been created with you in mind. She then makes you an amazing meal and invites you over. Now, there are a few ways you can go about receiving it:

1) You could reject it, open the fridge, grab a quick snack she had made to give her sick friend and leave in a hurry to meet up with friends instead. You experienced the atmosphere your mom made for you, but you ultimately rejected everything she did.

2) You could walk in, eat everything, and then leave. You did what you were supposed to do, right? She wanted you to come and eat, you did it, and now you leave - she has to prompt you with questions like “Do you like it?” because you won’t offer up your thanks to her unless she asks.

3) You could walk in and realize you didn’t get anything for your mom. You feel terrible that she’s done all this for you even after how you’ve treated her. You say, “I can’t accept this. Here, let me do something for you instead,” and you give her money; you tell her to eat and enjoy everything.

4) You could walk in and realize that you're hungry. You know it’ll make her happy, so you eat some of it, but you still feel unworthy of such an honor and don’t fully enjoy it. You hold back because you feel guilty.

5) Final option: You walk in, and look at all the amazing things your mom has done for you. You know that her ultimate joy is in your joy of receiving everything she made. You compliment every detail you find that she did just for you. You make a note of how delicious every bite is. You thank her and ask if you can have a 2nd helping and then dessert. You enjoy every second of it, knowing that the more you enjoy it, the more fulfillment of joy you bring to your mom. You enjoy every second of it, and while you enjoy it giving joy to back to her, which is your intent.

Which of these will bring the most joy to your mother? Obviously, the only one that she wants is the last option. The most fulfillment your mom can have is by you being joyfully fulfilled. We gain fulfillment from G-d by properly receiving all He gives us with joy and thanksgiving. G-d gains fulfillment by receiving joy and thanksgiving from our proper receiving of everything He gives us.

The commands of G-d are like an amazing and fulfilling meal given to us by a loving parent. The spirit of the law is how we receive that meal properly. We are to enjoy every second of every command. We look forward to every detail of it. We ask what else is there. Knowingly we didn’t do anything to deserve such an amazing meal, but we will love it regardless because it’s life-giving. Often times we see something new and strange on our plate as a child, and we want to avoid it before even trying it. But the parent encourages the child to try it - and soon they realize it’s their favorite food and it’s not just their favorite, but it’s healthy, fulfilling, and gives you energy and comfort. You show up every day to the table in anticipation to see if that is what cooked for you for that moment.

We bless him for everything he is giving us, because His ultimate fulfillment is our joyful and proper reception of His giving. Not only is it His ultimate fulfillment, but it is ours as well. If we are willing to put our pride and ego aside and give it an honest try, an honest taste of Torah, we will be dying to get another bite. G-d gives us things to share, and commands to perform to help us draw closer to Him (spiritually), and as we do them with the right intentions, we become fulfilled and sustained in a way that exceeds anything the physical realm can offer.

The Love Language

The commands are not just like an offered meal but also G-d's love language, His reaching out to kiss us (his bride) on the cheek. Do we accept it as an unenthusiastic wife who only does it because it's seen as a requirement? Or, do we accept it with joy and love it - our eyes light up with wonder? We have the same motives of love for each other that allows the husband to give and for us to receive fully as intended (known as the ‘spirit of the law’). He cares so deeply about us that there is no other evidence for His existence except for creation.

Give thanks in all things. Pain, suffering, depression, and all the world crises, but why? Why bless G-d for the death of a loved one? This is because the painter has a beautiful painting in mind, and every stroke is made with intention. Even if you can't see WHY he did it, it was done for you on the individual level (for you personally) and the whole of mankind.

And it goes beyond just the commands. The spirit of the law stretches into daily observance and perspective of everything around you. Know that nothing in creation is done unless it is for creation. If it weren't done for creation, it would cease to exist.

Just because you are hungry doesn't mean you can’t be thankful for being hungry. Perhaps it's G-d's way of designing your soul so that every few hours, you have a reminder to give a blessing back to G-d and feel spiritually fulfilled just a little more. You dip into the infinite pool of desire and fulfillment that originates in the heavens with the Creator.

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