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Rabbinic Messianic
We uphold all Orthodox Jewish practices and beliefs in their entirety. We also hold the opinion that the man, Jesus (Yeshua), fulfills the criteria of the Messiah of Joseph.
The Case For Torah
Arguments For Adopting Torah Practice. We spend a lot of time answering common arguments against Torah observance, correcting common...
Life After Death: The Thief on the Cross
Another frequently cited text that many assert teaches that people go straight to heaven or hell after death, is the story concerning the...
Life After Death: Saul and the Witch of Endor
In the book of 1 Samuel, we read about a story where King Saul, out of desperation from not hearing from the L-rd, consulted a medium...
The Orthodox Messianic Union (OMU)
Founded in 2023, the Orthodox Messianic Union (OMU) stands as the largest organization representing the Rabbinic and Orthodox Messianic...
Rabbinic Messianic
Rabbinic Messianics remain within the bounds of traditional Judaism. We observe all halachah (Jewish law) and affirm the unity of G-d as...
From Our Partners
The Orthodox Messianic Union (OMU)
Founded in 2023, the Orthodox Messianic Union (OMU) stands as the largest organization representing the Rabbinic and Orthodox Messianic...
Temptation, Jesus, & Hashem
Some might say temptation is just the presence of evil desires. But it’s more nuanced than that. Temptation involves a desire that...
The Four Priesthoods
There are several forms of Priesthood mentioned in the Torah. The Levitical Priesthood, established at the time of the Torah's revelation...
The Derech Less Traveled: Yeshua, Judaism, or Both?
In the heart of a profound spiritual journey lies the question: Why do anti-rabbinic sentiments exist within the Messianic movement, and...
Benefits of Sabbath
The benefits of Sabbath observance in today's fast-paced world are many. Most people today are saturated in the mundane, living in a...
Jesus, the Pharisee
Rabbinic Messianic
Rabbinic Messianics remain within the bounds of traditional Judaism. We observe all halachah (Jewish law) and affirm the unity of G-d as...
Before Abraham was, I am
The statement in John 8:58, " Before Abraham was, I am , " has often been interpreted within Christian theology as a claim to divinity....
Fulfill or Abolish
In the fifth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, Yeshua uses a word that has ignited significant debate and controversy within the evangelical...
Matthew 23: The Seat of Moses and The Statements of Woe
Most will agree that this idea of tithing spices is not specified in the written Torah...
Who's Golden Rule is it?
The alignment of Yeshua's teachings with Pharisaic principles, particularly regarding the commandment to love one's neighbor...
The Case For Torah
Arguments For Adopting Torah Practice. We spend a lot of time answering common arguments against Torah observance, correcting common...
Rabbinic Messianic
Rabbinic Messianics remain within the bounds of traditional Judaism. We observe all halachah (Jewish law) and affirm the unity of G-d as...
Who Killed Jesus?
One of the largest misunderstandings in all of the New Testament, is how modern readers interpret who is responsible for the death of...
Let us make man
"Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness" (Genesis 1:26) This verse has prompted much discussion. Some say G-d speaks in the...
Rapture of the Wicked?
Let’s take a closer look at the Rapture—this idea that the righteous will be suddenly "taken up" to heaven while the wicked are left...
Terach's Idol Shop
Avram was a smart kid — and he happened to be the son of Terach, who owned the biggest, most bustling idol shop in town. Imagine it!...
Abraham's Journey
Many years after Noah, there lived a man named Avram in the bustling land of Haran. People there were busy with their lives, but they had...
Noah's Flood
Once, many years after Adam and Eve, the world was full of people, but things were not going well. People had become cruel, violent, and...
The Tower of Babel
After the great flood, Noah’s family grew, and soon the world was full of people again. They all spoke the same language and worked...
Noah's Ark
Many years after Adam and Eve, the world was filled with people, but sadly, most of them had forgotten about Hashem and His ways. People...
Fighting Jealousy
Jealousy often acts as a mirror, reflecting our deepest insecurities and unfulfilled desires. At its core, jealousy arises from a sense...
Finding Peace Amid Chaos
Finding peace during difficult times is one of life’s greatest challenges. Often, when we face hardship, it feels like we are engulfed by it
Training a Child in His Ways
The Torah offers profound wisdom on how to guide our children through the verse, "Chanoch l’naar al pi darko"—"Train a child according to...