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Belief? In what?

Writer's picture: Austin JamesAustin James

Updated: Mar 11, 2024

Let's explore the special beliefs that light up our faith. There are 13 things that define who we are and guide us to understand some really important ideas. We call them the "13 Principles of Faith." Are you ready? Let's start this exciting journey!

  1. Believing in the One Above: Imagine there's only one captain of the entire world. This captain is G-d, who is super kind and takes care of everything and everyone. There's no one else like Him in the whole universe, and He's our number one!

  2. G-d is Unique: If you think of the most special snowflake, G-d is even more unique than that! He's the only one of His kind, doing amazing things nobody else can do.

  3. G-d is Invisible, but Everywhere: Even though we can't see G-d with our eyes, He's always around us, watching over us and listening to every word we say, even the silent ones in our hearts.

  4. G-d is Forever: Just like the endless love in our families, God has been here since before everything and will be here after everything. He's our forever friend!

  5. Praying to G-d Alone: When we want to say thank you or when we need some help, we talk to G-d through our prayers. It's like chatting with our very best friend because He's the only one who can really hear us and help.

  6. The Words of the Prophets are True: A long time ago, special messengers called prophets shared messages from G-d. Everything they told us was absolutely true, like a friend who never fibs.

  7. Moses was Super Special: Moses was like the superhero of G-d's messengers, bringing us the Torah, which is G-d's most precious gift to us, showing how we can live a good life by following G-d's path.

  8. The Torah is Our Treasure: The Torah is like a chest full of treasures, filled with G-d's words. It's been handed down to us and has everything we need to know about how to be happy and good.

  9. The Torah is Unchanging: Like the rules of our favorite games that stay the same, the Torah's teachings are perfect and never change. They're always there to guide us.

  10. G-d Knows Everything: Imagine having a friend who knows you better than you know yourself. G-d knows all about us, our thoughts, and our dreams, even before we talk about them!

  11. G-d Rewards Goodness: When we do something nice, like sharing or helping others, G-d sees it and is happy. It's like getting a special star for being kind and good. Our good deeds are like deposits into a giant safe. Even though we can't see the treasure, it's being stored up for us for the future.

  12. G-d Gives Us Chances to Grow: Even when we make mistakes, G-d is very patient and gives us chances to say sorry and to do better next time. It's like getting another try to fix things and make them right.

  13. The World will be Extra Wonderful Someday with the Messiah: G-d has promised that one day, the world will become even more wonderful, full of peace and happiness. Part of this special time includes waiting for the Messiah, a very good leader, to come and make the world a better place. Some of us believe that Yeshua, who was a very righteous person, will come back to be this Messiah, filling the world with kindness and helping everyone get along. It's going to be an amazing time, like the most beautiful day you can imagine, but even better!

And that's what we call the "13 Principles of Faith", each one a sparkling gem that makes our faith so beautiful. Let's keep these treasures in our hearts, share them, and live by their lessons, making our world brighter and more loving every day.

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Aaron G
Aaron G
Mar 12, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Awesome thank you!

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